During surfing upon the websites and blogs upon Internet, the first name which sparks in mind is Google. While surfing upon Internet and web, one finds the magic of Google everywhere. So, it is important to understand and explore the current statistics of Google about the blogs, websites, web pages, e-commerce sites and other entities, available Online and registered with Google.

The importance of the Google is evident from the data, placed and explained below:

Google and Its Pivotal Position on the Internet

Since its creation in 1998, the Google is successful enough to occupy the central position on the Internet.

Statistics from the Net Market Share (October 2016) are first evident that the Google, as search engine, occupy the 75.20% share on the market while Bing is at the second position with just 8.4%.

Net Market Share of Search Engines

The data about the 8 search engines at the Internet is as follows[i]:

  Search Engine Market Share (%)
1. Google 75.20
2. Bing 8.40
3. Baidu 7.69
4. Yahoo – Global 6.88
5. Ask – Global 0.24
6. AOL – Global 0.11
7. Excite – Global 0.01
8. All others 1.47

Net Market Share (October 2016). Desktop Search Engine Market Share.

Source: https://www.netmarketshare.com/search-engine-market-share.aspx?qprid=4&qpcustomd=0

But Google contested this data and its position upon the Internet by presenting the data as described in the figure, presented below:

Source: Google Search Statistics (November 20, 2016). Internet Live Stats.
Source: http://www.internetlivestats.com/google-search-statistics/

According to these statistics, the following are the facts of search queries in the Month of December 2012:

  Search Engine Search Queries – Share Total Searches


1. Google 65.2% 114.70
2. Baidu 8.2% 14.50
3. Yahoo 4.9% 8.60
4. Yandex 2.8% 4.80
5. Bing 2.5% 4.50

This is the basic reason that every one, working on the Internet has to work with and coordinate its Internet endeavor with Google, closely or be ready to face the risk  of failures in the startups.

Other Global Statistics about Google

In August 2012, the SVP of Google Singhal (2012)[ii] revealed the progress of the Google about its presence and search queries as under:

  1. At the start of its operations in 1998, Google was serving just the 10,000 queries per day.
  2. Today, Google search engine has 30 trillion unique URLs, registered with it on the Web.
  3. Today, Google has to crawls 20 billion sites a day to work with queries.
  4. Google serves 100 billion searches every month, i.e. 3.3 billion searches per day and 38,000 per second.

After this explanation of the position of the Google on the web, the primary, central and the dictating position of Google is clear which cannot be denied or ignored. So, it is better to coordinate with it to get better working success while you are working Online.

[i] Net Market Share (November 2016). Desktop Search Engine Market Share. Source: https://www.netmarketshare.com/search-engine-market-share.aspx?qprid=4&qpcustomd=0

[ii] Singhal, Amit (2016). Google Search Statistics. Internet Live Stats. Source: https://plus.google.com/+AmitSinghal


Source: Net Market Share (November 2016). Desktop Search Engine Market Share. Source: https://www.netmarketshare.com/search-engine-market-share.aspx?qprid=4&qpcustomd=0

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