A very interesting feature of newly launched iOS14 is that it notifies you about the apps which access your mobile device and copies the text or data from your clipboard. An ordinary user may found that this access to his data / information / text is even not required for those apps still they stole your private and sensitive data and credentials.

Apps Which Steal Your Privacy, data and Credentials

There are many such apps which are practicing this stealth but some are listed below:

News Apps

ABC News, Al Jazeera English, CBC News, CNBC, Fox News, New York Times, The Economist, The Huffington Post and The Wall Street Journal

Gaming Apps

8 Ball Pool, AMAZE, Bejeweled, Block Puzzle, FlipTheGun, Fruit Ninja, Golfmasters, Plants VS Zombies, Heroes, PUBG, Mobile, Tomb of the Mask, Total Party Kill and Watermarbliing.

Social Networking

TikTok, ToTalk, Tok, TrueCaller, Viber and Weibo Zoosk.


 Accuweather, AliExpress, Bed Bath & Beyond, Dazn, Hotel Tonight, Overstock, Pigment – Adult Coloring Book, Sky, Ticket and TheWeather Network.

Now, it is up to you to decide to keep those apps, installed in your iOS14-powered iPhone and iPad. But, it is suggested you to keep those apps which are absolutely necessary for your mobile device. Alternatively, visit the privacy policy and terms and conditions of the apps to turn off those features which allow you to do so.

Stay Tuned!

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