Writing good language is a dream of overwhelming majority of people. In writing the good English, selection and choice of appropriate words and avoiding spelling mistakes play equally important role. Poor Written communication, filled with spelling mistakes, do not leave good impression about the personality and state of language proficiency of the message sender.
To help the Android users to avoid such state of affairs, Android has added a feature of auto-correction which may help the users to correct the spelling mistakes. If this features is enabled, spelling mistakes may be pinpointed and the users may correct them before sending them. It may save her / him a great embarrassment.
To activate the feature of auto-correction, follow the instructions.
Command Line: Settings – Home > Language & input – PERSONAL.
1: Follow the Command Line to open up the ‘Language & input’ screen.
2: Ensure that the ‘Android Keyboard (AOSP) under the KEYBOARD & INPUT METHODS is checked and enabled.
3: Tap the ‘Settings’ button of ‘Android Keyboard (AOSP) to open.4: Tap the ‘Auto-correction’ under the TEXT CORRECTION. It will open up a prompt named; ‘Auto-correction’.5: See the current status of the ‘Auto-correction’ is disabled and set to ‘Off’ the level of correction. 6: Test the correction of the language in writing the message. See the wrong word – Offece – is not pointed by the Android Keyboard. Actually this word was Office. 7: Now, go back to the Android Keyboard ‘Auto-correction’ prompt and tap the ‘Modest’ level of correction to enable (the actual selection of the level of correction depends upon the level of your command on language). It will take you back to ‘Language & input’ screen. 6: Now, to test the correction of mistakes at the message, write the same wrong word ‘Offece’. The wrong word is pointed which may be corrected by the user. That’s all!