The identification of stars and to See Stars on Google Sky Map is a very interesting phenomenon which is made possible with the help of an app, the Sky Map, by Android.
Just follow these instructions:
- Just download the free app the ‘Sky Map’ from Play Store (download link at the end of this article) and install it.
- Now point your Android phone towards the heavens or to any direction.
- It is possible to run this app not only in the night but also in the daylight as well.
Now, you may see a map of:
- The constellations
- Planets
- Other Messier objects which are covering your portion of sky within the range of your phone.
- You may even witness the meteor showers at the time of its happening.
- You may witness such display on iOS as well but with a less interesting options but sill at higher costs.
- The option of time travel lets you see the time which has passed or you can also see the position of stars and planets at a future time
- You can apply different filters like show planets, starts or bodies in space easily.
Time Travel
You may configure the Sky / Star Maps to see the sky how it would look like in the future or how it was in the pat, e.g. how it was in 1900.
Download the app now and witness many interesting options.
Download: Sky Map (Google Play Store link)