Battery saver is a typical feature of Android Marshmallow as has been in all previous Android OS versions. This feature allows the Android to shut all the unnecessary functions of smartphones or tablets when battery level reaches at a specific level. This is done to save some of the last resources of battery for the emergency and essential usages. With the turning on of this feature, operating system stops all those functions which can be postponed till the availability of the enough battery level and tries to save the battery only for the necessary calls or messages.
In Android Marshmallow, this features of batter saver starts working at the level of battery, set by the Android user. Then, the battery tries, strictly, to manage the battery and tries to avoid the wastage of the battery. In Marshmallow, you may set the three levels of battery usage which are:
- Never
- At 5% Battery Level
- At 15% Battery Level
This is essential feature for your Android smartphone and if you have not configured it, just do it now. Our guiding instructions are here to help you.
1: Tap the icon of the ‘Settings’ app, placed at the bottom-right corner of the Home screen of your Android Marshmallow smartphone or tablet to open up the ‘Settings’ screen.2: At the ‘Settings’ screen, scroll down to the ‘Device’ section and tap the ‘Battery’.
3: At the ‘Battery’ screen, tap the 3-dotted settings button, available at the top-right corner of the screen, but immediately below the status bar. It will open up a popup menu.
4: Tap the ‘Battery saver’ in the popup menu.
5: At the ‘Battery saver’ screen, see; the current status of the ‘Turn on automatically’ is ‘Never’. It means; for the time being, this feature is disabled and not working. The battery saver will not start until the end of the battery.
To change the current status, tap the ‘Turn on automatically’ and it will open up a popup menu.6: Popup will offer 3 options:
- Never
- At 5% Battery Level
- At 15% Battery Level
I opted the 15% level as it provides the enough safe margin for the battery usage till the end of the battery or till the recharging is arranged.7: See; the ‘Turn on automatically’ status is changed to 15% battery.
From now, your smartphone will start working very cautiously to save battery for your emergency usage.
That’s all!