When mobile users unlock the screen of their Android device, sometimes, tapping the device screen and dragging the slider to specific point, is felt annoying. Especially, in the winter time, when you are wearing gloves, the tapping the screen and sometimes bringing no response annoyed many people. In this situation, you feel some other mechanism to unlock the screen.
Don’t feel embarrassment as Android has reached to your help and has introduced a feature which helps you to unlock the device screen by just pressing the hard Home button. This feature is not a default feature in some devices and you may need to activate this feature to get benefit from this.
Note: In some of the Android devices, hard Home button may not be available and you will have to rely on the screen unlock only.
These instruction may help you to understand and activate this feature.
Command Line: Settings – Home > Lock screen – PERSONALIZATION > Button actions – GENERAL > Home unlock.
1: Tap the icon of ‘Settings’ on the Home screen of your Android 4.4.4 KitKat devices to open up the ‘Settings’ screen. 2: At the ‘Settings’ screen, scroll down to the PERSONALIZATION section and tap the ‘Lock screen’.
3: At the ‘Lock screen’ screen, tap the ‘Buttons action’ in the GENERAL section.
4: At the ‘Buttons actions’ screen, see the ‘Home unlock’ is unchecked, i.e. disabled. It means, currently, the home unlock is not available and activated. You cannot unlock your Android device by pressing Home button.
5: Tap the ‘Home unlock’ to check and activate the feature of the pressing the home button to unlock the screen.
From now onward, whenever you feel the need to unlock the screen, just press the Home button of your Android device and the screen will be unlocked.
That’s all!