Battery is the life line of any Android Marshmallow smartphone and tablet like all other smart mobile devices. One of the major problem of the smart mobile devices is the quick consumption and drain of battery due to their heavy reliance upon the apps and Internet. To overcome this issue is a tedious job but its simple solution is sought in the careful utilization of the battery.
One method of careful usage of the battery is to keep a careful watch on its drain and its current status, i.e. its current level and its balance of power.
Android Marshmallow has offered many features in it which can help to control battery drain and consumption. One option is its continuous display in the status bar. You may display the icon of the battery in the status bar, so that, you may keep a close eye upon it.
Normally, display of the battery status in status bar is set by default but if it is not done, you may do it easily. If you feel any problem in it, see the instructions.
Command Line: Settings (Home) > Bars – Interface (Settings) > Battery display – Status bar (Bars) > Show Battery -No (Battery display) > Show Battery prompt – Never / Always.
1: At the Home screen of your Android 6.x Marshmallow smartphone and tablets, see the battery icon is not visible in the status bar.
2: Tap the icon of the ‘Settings’ app at the bottom right corner of the Home screen of your Android 6.x Marshmallow smartphones and tablets to open up the ‘Settings’ screen.3: At the ‘Settings’ screen, scroll down to the Interface and tap ‘Bars’.
4: At the ‘Bars’ screen, tap the ‘Battery status’ in the ‘Status bar’ section.
5: At the ‘Battery status’ screen, see; the current status of the ‘Show battery’ is ‘Never’.
6: To change this status, tap it. It will open up a prompt, named; ‘Show battery’, with three options on it:
- Never
- Always
- Expanded
7: See; the current status of the of ‘Show battery’ is ‘Never’.7: To change the current status, tap the radio button of ‘Always’ to change the current status and to always show the battery level.
8: Now, you may see the battery level and its status at the status bar of your screen.
That’s all!