There are many methods of battery display in Android Marshmallow smartphone and tablets but the most popular one is the display of battery level by percentage. The other types of display are also popular but the major reason of the popularity of the percentage is that it displays exact level of remaining battery while other methods display just the estimation and show the ambiguous figure.
It is easier to activate the display of percentage of battery but if you feel any problem, do see the instructions.
1: At the Home screen of your Android 6.x Marshmallow smartphones and tablets, see the icon of the battery level is present in the status bar as a vertical bar.
2: If you want to see the percentage level of battery consumption and balance, tap the icon of the ‘Settings’ app, placed at the bottom right corner of the Home screen to open up ‘Settings’ screen.3: At the ‘Settings’ screen, tap the ‘Bars’ in the ‘Interface section.
4: At the ‘Bars’ screen, tap the ‘Battery display’ to set the style of status bar battery display.
5: At the ‘Battery display’ screen, see the ‘Default’ is as ‘Style’, i.e. the vertical bar, currently displaying the battery level in the status bar is set as ‘Default. If you want to change the ‘Default’, tap the ‘Style’. It will open up a prompt, named as; ‘Style’. Here, four different styles of battery display are offered, which are:
- Default
- Horizontal bar
- Circle
- Text only
- Droid
Currently, the ‘Default is set.
6: To change the default to ‘Text only’, tap the radio button to activate it. It will take you back to the ‘Battery display’ screen.
7: At the ‘Battery display’ screen, see; the status of the ‘Style’ has been changed to ‘Text only’.
8: Also see; the ‘Show percent’ status is ‘Never’. To change it, tap the ‘Show percent’. It will take you to a prompt, named as; ‘Show percentage’ with 3 options:
- Never
- Always
- Expanded
9: Here, at the prompt, see; the current status is ‘Never’. If you want to make the change permanent, tap the radio button of ‘Always’. It will take you, instantly, back to ‘Battery display’ screen.
10: At the ‘Battery display’ screen, see the status of ‘Show percent’ has been changed as ‘Always’.
That’s all!