Google has released the latest version of Android, Android 7.1 Nougat which is the successor of the Android 7.0 with a lot of under-the-hood changes and improvements. The Android 7.1.x ROMS are also available for specific devices and the popular ROM developers like Cyanogen Mod, Omni etc have also upgraded the supported device’s ROMs to 7.1. These ROMs doesn’t include the Google Apps to keep their size minimum and to provide the option to user to select the apps, if needed.
Looking for Gapps of Android 7.0 Nougat? Visit this link.
The Android 7.1 Nougat Google Apps aka Gapps have also been released for the public where anyone running a Android 7.1 device with a supported firmware and ROM can download these apps to get the Google Services working on their devices.
The Gapps are available in different packages with different variety of apps and sizes which are suitable for different kind of devices and needs but, they all include the core Google services and frameworks which are needed for the functionality of other Google Apps.
You can download the Android 7.1 Nougat apps in all packages from the links below:
Gapps Stock Apps:
This package includes the same apps which come pre-installed in the Google devices like Nexus and Pixel. This includes all the apps by Google which have been released by Google and are available in the Play Store.
This package has the following apps in it:
- Chrome Browser
- Cloud Print
- Gmail
- Google+
- Google Calendar
- Google Camera
- Google Drive
- Google Earth
- Google Keep
- Google Now Launcher
- Google Text-to-Speech
- Google Keyboard
- Google Play Books
- Google Play Games
- Google Play Newsstand
- Google Play Music
- Google Play Movies
- Google Play services
- Google Search
- Google Wallet
- Hangouts
- Maps
- Quickoffice
- Sound Search for Google Play
- Street View on Google Maps
- TalkBack
- YouTube
Gapps Mini Package:
The mini package of Google Apps is made specifically for those people who want to get all the necessary Google Apps on their devices but, also don’t want the ones which are not needed that much on a device.
This package includes the following apps:
- Gmail
- Google+
- Google Calendar
- Google Now Launcher
- Google Play Services
- Google Search
- Google Text-to-Speech
- Hangouts
- Maps
- Street View on Google Maps
- YouTube
Gapps Micro Package:
If you are looking for the Google Apps which are not available from elsewhere on the internet and they are needed for the core functionality of your device while using Google Services then the micro package is suitable for you. This package is made specifically for the low-memory devices which only need the most-important Google Apps to be installed.
This package contains the following apps:
- Gmail
- Download
- Google Calendar
- Google Now Launcher
- Google Play Services
- Google Search
- Google Text-to-Speech
- Google Play Store
You can visit our Google Gapps section for the Gapps of Android 6.0, Android 5.1, Android 5.0, Android 4.4 and other previous versions.