As revealed into public, a part of the news has opened up a plan by Apple to launch a thin touchscreen laptop or accessory to work with the iPhone or iPad to replace the laptop. This is published by the US Patent and Trademark Office on Thursday last week which announced that Apple had requested for the registration of the patent for the application which would be a kit of the laptop, i.e. a touch screen, the physical keyboard, GPU, ports and many other things but not the hardware parts, such as, the CPU, hard drive or so on. screen .
This touchscreen laptop resembles the MacBook with aluminum casing which is treated as the ideal enclosure material. This accessory includes a port which is shaped in the size of the iPhone or iPad to accommodate the iPhone or iPad. This place is typically designed to incorporate the communication interface of power, data transfer or smart communication.
As the details are not available in the documents, published by the US department of Patents and Trademark Office, the communication between the systems and the accessory are not yet known. But, one thing is very mush clear, i.e. the set will be operated by the iOS operating system.
If this trademark is registered as trademark, the iPad of iPhone may become a central business equipment as the corporate America is already assisting and encouraging its employees to work with the iPads which are convenient to carry with them to home and office where they may work like the thin portable laptop.
Source: NeoWin