Importance of Computer and Mobile-Based Apps

Though online education has become a comparatively older concept of learning it is rapidly getting modern and up-to-date with time. Now, in the modern era, IT has adopted an essential part of learning, rather; its importance has increased manifolds due to the changing nature of the spread of education and the style of delivery of education. With the conversion of education on the computer, mobile-based devices & technology, and with the spread of the latest trends of offering distance learning programs for students by colleges and schools, the application of digital apps is spreading. Particularly, for those students who live far away from colleges, universities, or who are heavily occupied by profession, these apps offer the golden facilities to learn while living on their premises.
Being an educationist, I always recommend those students, who are opting the online courses, to get help from the computer, mobile, and other types of digital apps, to achieve difficult target of online education.
Typically, digital apps play a crucial role in the process of online education and this role is consistently increasing with time, with the inventions/launching of state-of-the-art newer digital apps and particularly with spread of the mobile technology. In the words, written below, I am giving some key reasons to the students of the online college education to increase the emphasis upon the application of the digital apps to get easy achievements in online education.
A few of my key reasons and arguments in favor of digital apps are:
1. Easy Access and Convenient to Work with
Due to the spread of mobile technology and easy access of students to cheap mobile devices and technology, digital apps are making it more and more comfortable for students to approach the learning material and resources accessible anytime, anywhere, and at affordable cost. The level of convenience of access is particularly important for online learners who have very strict & busy schedules due to professional engagements, or geographical limitations.
2. Importance of Computer and Mobile-Based Apps
Many digital or mobile apps are designed in such a way that they prepare and offer quizzes, mockups, and multimedia-based academic content that make the students engage in a very interesting, still dynamic, and readily available learning experience. Such mutual interactivity helps to enhance conceptual knowledge and at the same time, helps the students to retain the learned stuff.
3. Personalized Process of Learning
Apps, which are designed and developed for online learning, can familiarize and help students to accommodate different individual learning styles, keeping with the pace of students and their learning styles. This personalization process helps the students to grow and progress at their learning speed. It helps the students to focus on those identified areas which are their weaker ones and where they need more attention to improve.
4. Collective and joint Learning Strategy
Computer and mobile-based digital apps frequently include tools for mutual communication and collaboration among individual students, groups of students, or among students and instructors. These collaborations and collective studies can become discussion groups & forums, visual conferencing, presentation of personal and group projects, developing the concept of communal facilitation, and leading to the peer-to-peer learning style.
5. Beautifully Designed and Developed Audio/Visual Content
Digital apps can integrate and combine different TV/radio type material, such as; videos, films, animated stuff, and even collaborative replications and models which makes it easier for the students to understand even complicated concepts. It may engage their attention by presenting the content in multiple styles and ways.
When one concept is presented in more than one style, the human mind understands the idea and the human mind retains it for a longer time.
6. Immediate and Concurrent Feedback
The majority of the online educational and learning apps help to absorb the ideas presented in the apps and the learner can provide immediate feedback on many of the quizzes, tests, discussions, and assignments. Concurrent and instant feedback helps the students to quick self-analysis and identify those areas of learning where they need to concentrate to improve and remove their weaknesses in the areas that require the motivation to improve their learning level.
7. Analytics and Progress Tracking
Sometimes, academic apps include features that are analytic features, i.e. they help and activate the instinct of the students and even instructors to track immediate progress and their assessment of learning level. These apps apply the data derived for the interventions in the learning process and reset the targets for improvements in their learning progress. Such apps are frequently recommended by the instructors for quick self-progress tracking sometimes before the exams.
8. Some Apps Cause Cost Savings
Some of the online educational and academic apps prove to be cost-effective as compared to traditional educational teaching or analytic methods. When applied, they abolish the need for hardcore and physical textbooks, reducing unnecessary finances, such as; buying the textbooks, visiting campuses to loan and return books, and other campus-based notes and other academic facilities.
9. Flexible and Lenient Applications
Digital apps present a newer and novel learning format. Unlike in the past, the majority of the learning styles are asynchronous. Learning allows the students to select the learning method that is convenient to them, suits their set schedules, affordable and comfortable for them to follow. They may also decide to follow that learning process which is easier for them to learn and consume learning.
10. Regular, Continuous, Updated, & Accessed to Latest Stuff
Unlike hardcore reading material, digital apps are easy to update, and absorb the latest information and changes in the different fields and subjects. The app administrators ensure that up-to-date content, the latest material, and content are provided to the learners and app users.
11. Global and Wider Reach
Online academic apps, by nature, allow and enable students to approach the college course material and academic resources, provided and supplied by the institutions, offering the educational programs. But this stuff is not only available and approachable to students, but also to the experts, around the globe. This provision of academic opportunities promotes the diversity of viewpoints. This feature also allows and provides the facility to the IT experts, in other corners of the World to update the material at their end.
12. Adjusted Learning
Some of the digital apps are developed on state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. It not only creates adaptive learning material but also enables adjusted content and adopts the difficulty level as per the progress and performance of the learning. This facility was not available in the hardcore learning material of the past.
Concluding Remarks
In the last words, it can be said that digital apps are helpful and influential in the evolution and popularity of the online education by offering easy access to whole the learning material, interactivity, personalization and a large range of other benefits and advantages of the learning experience.
In short, the digital apps have become an integral rather inseparable part of not only online education but are also providing diverse and varied opportunities for students of all programs, backgrounds, colleges and for the students around the Globe.