The Windows 10 has many options to set the text of the apps but, by default, normally it is set for the normal reading users. You may set the text of the apps as per your need on devices of different size or as per your reading capacity. For the people with reading difficulty, the text of the apps may be enlarged or vice versa.
If you need, you may see the instructions.
1: Tap the ‘Start’ button, placed at the bottom left corner of the Home window of Windows 10 desktop devices. It will open up ‘Windows Explorer’ popup menu.2: At the ‘Explore Windows’ popup menu, tap the ‘Settings’ option, placed in the left side column of the ‘Explore Windows’ popup menu to open up the ‘Settings’ windows.
3: At the ‘Settings’ window, tap the ‘System’ group, depicting the Display, notifications, apps, power etc.
4: At the ‘SYSTEM’ window, tap the ‘Display’, if it is not already highlighted by default. It will open up a window, ‘Customize your display’.
5: At the middle of the display settings, see a slider with the wording, ‘Change the size of text, apps and other items: 100% (Recommended)’. It means the size of the text of apps is currently set at 100% and it is recommended by the Windows for the best performance. But, here, you may set the size of the text of the apps.
6: But, if you want to change the size of the text of apps, tap the slider head with your finger or cursor and it will become movable. Drag the slider head with the movement of your finger or cursor to the extreme right and see the size of the text of apps will change to 150%. If you want to activate this size, tap the ‘Apply’ bottom of the options and the size of the text of apps will be changed to 150% of the current and normal size.
7: See the size of the text of apps is changed to 150% of the previous 100% which was recommended. Now, see the other options of the display will disappear and you will have to scroll down to see the other options. This was the reason, Windows recommended the normal size of 100%.
8: If you want to reset the text of apps size, just tap the slider head and drag it to the center of the slider to the 125%. If you tap the ‘Apply’ button, the text of the apps size will be adjusted to the 125% of the normal recommended size.
In this way, you may set the size of the text of apps, easily, with just a touch of your finger.
That’s all!