One of the major things to take continuous and regular care of during the use of your Android 4.4.4 KitKat device is battery. Battery plays a vital role in the smooth functioning of the Android devices like all other mobile devices. The Android provides a facility to keep a regular check on the battery level on the status bar of your device. But, Android is also of the view that you may even need to display status of battery level right on the lock screen so that you may not be wasting your time to unlock your device to check the battery status.
Now, it is not difficult to display the battery status on the lock screen of your Android device but if you feel any problem, feel free to consult instructions.
Command Line: Settings – Home > Lock Screen – PERSONALIZATION > Battery Status – GENERAL > Battery Status Popup Menu – Only when charging / Always On / Always Off.
1: Tap the icon of the ‘Settings’ app on the bottom right corner of the Home screen of your Android 4.4.4 KitKat device to open up the ‘Settings’ screen. 2: At the ‘Settings’ screen, scroll down to the PERSONALIZATION section and tap the ‘Lock Screen’.
3: See the current status of ‘Battery Status’ in the GENERAL section is ‘Always off’. If you want to change the status of battery of your Android device, tap ‘Battery Status’. It will open up a popup menu with the following options:
- Only When Charging
- Always On
- Always Off
See the current status is; ‘Always Off’.
4: If you want to change the status of battery, tap any other options to select and enable it. I tapped the ‘Always On’.
From now onward, the battery level will always be available on the lock screen of your Android device.
That’s All!