Google keyboard for the Android 5.0 Lollipop has a system language (a language for all Android users), built in by default. But if you are not feeling comfortable with the system language and you want to change the system language, you may choose from the long list of dozens of languages to perform as the language.
It is easy to change the system language and to choose the language of your choice if you follow the instructions.
Note: Ensure that the Google Keyboard for the Android 5.0 Lollipop is installed on your device. If you are using Android 4.4.x KitKat or any other version, follow the instructions, given in our post, How to install functional Google Keyboard 4.0 from Android 5.0 Lollipop with white material design? to install it.
1: Tap the icon of ‘Settings’ on the Home screen of your Android 4.4.4 device to open the settings screen. 2: Scroll down to the PERSONAL section and tap the ‘Language & input’.
3: At the ‘Language & input’ screen, ensure that the ‘Google Keyboard’ is checked and enabled. Tap the ‘Settings’ button of the ‘Google Keyboard’.
4: At the ‘Google Keyboard Settings’ screen, see the status of the ‘Languages’ is ‘English (US). Tap the ‘Languages’ to open up the ‘Languages’ screen.
5: At the ‘Languages’ screen, see the ‘Use system language’ in the GOOGLE KEYBOARD section is checked while the ACTIVE INPUT METHODS section is disabled.
6: Tap to uncheck the ‘Use system language’ and it will enable whole the ACTIVE INPUT METHODS section. See the ‘English (US)’ is checked and set by default.
7: If you want to opt ‘English (UK)’ as the language, along with the ‘English (US), to use with Google Keyboard, tap to check the ‘English (UK)’ as well. You may choose any other available language.
8: Now, revert back to ‘Google Keyboard Settings’ screen and see both the languages, ‘English (US)’ and ‘English (UK) are set as the language for the ‘Google Keyboard’.
9: If you want to choose only ‘English (UK)’, go back to ‘Languages’ screen and uncheck the ‘English (US).
Now, only one language, ‘English (US)’ will be available for you to us in ‘Google Keyboard’.
That’s all!
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