If you want the battery of your Android Marshmallow smartphone or tablet to run for longer time, it is a good idea to keep a closer eye upon the application of the battery power, being used by different apps. If some apps are using more battery power but their significance for the smooth performance of your Android phone is not so importance, you may optimize their battery utility.
Before deciding and taking action to optimize the battery for the apps, you must search out the apps which are not optimized for the battery. This is necessary as you must be informed of the working and utilization of the battery for the different apps.
Like previous versions, Android Marshmallow has included a specific feature which may help you to prolong the working life of battery of your Android phone to great extent. This feature can be activated by two different paths; one paths works through the battery screen while the other path passes through apps screen. But, at the end, both the paths merge and the end process is same in both the paths.
To approach this feature is a simple few taps action. But, if you need some help, see the instructions.
Method # 1 – App Screen Path
1: Tap the icon of the ‘Setting’ app, placed at the Home screen of your Android 6.x Marshmallow smartphone and tablets, to open up the ‘Settings’ screen.2: At the ‘Settings’ app screen, scroll down to the ‘Apps’ in the ‘Device’ section and tap it.
3: At the ‘Apps’ screen, tap the ‘Configure apps’ button, placed in the top bar, below the status bar.
4: At the ‘Configure apps’ screen, tap the ‘Battery optimization’.
5: At the ‘Battery optimization’ screen, currently, no app is optimized and its status is; ‘Not optimized’ with no apps is visible and enabled.
Method # 2 – Battery Feature Path
1: Tap the icon of the ‘Settings’ app on the Home screen of your Android 6.x Marshmallow smartphone or tablet to open up the ‘Settings’ screen.2: At the ‘Settings’ screen, scroll down to the ‘Battery’ in the ‘Device’ section and tap it to open it.
3: At the ‘Battery’ screen, tap the 3-dotted settings button, place at the top right corner of the screen but immediately below the status bar. It will open up a popup menu, with 2 options in it.
9: Tap the ‘Battery optimization’.
10: At the ‘Battery optimization’ screen, see the current active status is; ‘Not optimized’ with no display of app, i.e. no app is active at present.
Here, if you want any app to be battery-optimized, just tap the current status and follow the coming status from the popup menu.
That’s all!