Apple has unveiled two different iPhones including the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 (See the details about iPhone 6 here) and the iPhone 6 Plus with huge 5.5-inch full-HD retina screen. iPhone 6 Plus is the bigger version of the iPhone 6 which has not only got bigger screen but, it also gets higher resolution making the screen density almost same as its little brother.
iPhone 6 Plus has also got the better camera in terms of image stabilization where optical image stabilization (OIS) is supported by its sensor as compared to the digital image stabilization of the smaller iPhone 6. The camera mega pixels are same as iPhone 6 where 8MP camera is there with bigger pixels and f/2.2 aperture accompanied by dual-LED flash.
iPhone 6 Plus has also got a bit thick as compared to its little brother where iPhone 6 is 6.9mm thick while the 6PLus is 7.1mm in thickness.
iPhone 6 Plus just like its smaller version has got the ‘ion-strengthened’ glass which will make the screen of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus more durable and scratch resistant.
iPhone 6 Plus has got the same A8 processor which is 25% powerful than its predecessor, the A7. A8 processor has also improved the graphics processing where its GPU is 50% powerful providing
iPhone 6 Plus has the following specifications:
5.5-inch ‘ion-strengthened’ retinal display with resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels
7.1mm in thickness
Apple A8 20nm processor with faster graphics processing capabilities
8MP camera with bigger pixels and dual-LED flash
f/2.2 aperture for the lens and optical image stabilization (OIS)
Improved auto-focus and panoramic photos upto 46MP and HDR support
Video recording support for 1920 x 1080 pixels with upto 60 frames per second
Slow motion video recording upto 240 frames per second
Improved f/2.2 front facing camera which allows 81% more light inside the lens resulting in better low-light images
LTE support for upto 150MB/s speeds
20 LTE bands supported
Voice of LTE (VoLTE) also supported by iPhone 6
Wi-Fi with 802.11 ac support
NFC payments
Powered by iOS 8
iPhone 6 Plus will be available in the market starting from September 19, 2014 with the price tag of $299 for 15GB, $399 for 64GB and $499 for 129GB – on contract. Pre-orders for the iPhone 6 Plus will begin on September 12, 2014.
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