Adding new profile or deleting existing profile in the Android 4.4.4 KitKat phone, according to you requirements and / or choice is a feature which has been recognized and made easier. You may change / add / delete any profile according to your choice by following a few simple instructions.


Command Line: Settings > Profiles.

1: Tap the ‘Settings’ to open up the settings screen on Home screen of your Android 4.4.4 KitKat phone.KitKatAddingProfile1

2: At the ‘Settings’ screen, tap the ‘Profiles’. It will open up ‘Profiles’ screen. KitKatAddingProfile2

3: At the ‘Profiles’ screen, see the profile is et by ‘Default’. Tap the ‘+’ button at the bottom right corner of the screen to add new profile. It will open up a prompt popup, ‘New profile’.

4: At the ‘New profile’ prompt, tap at the place with the instructions, ‘Enter a name for the new profile’. It will open up a keyboard below the ‘New profile’ prompt.KitKatAddingProfile3

5 – 6: Write the name of the new profile, suggested by you (here I wrote ‘Office’), at the place given for the purpose and tap ‘OK’. It will take you, instantly, back to the ‘Profiles’ screen. KitKatAddingProfile5

KitKatAddingProfile67: At the ‘Profiles’ screen, see the new profile is added at the bottom of the screen. KitKatAddingProfile7

That’s all!

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