Before the introduction of WhatsApp Messenger, the consumers of the mobile devices and phones were forced to rely on the mobile carrier services for the efficient communication. The communication companies had the monopoly to serve the consumers for the SMS, MMS and telephonic conversation for which huge charges were incurred. Advancement of the month and the approaching of the billing date was a kind of nightmare for the consumers. In this situation, the WhatsApp arrived like an angel of kindness and affection for the mobile users.
The free WhatsApp was welcomed, warmly, by the communication community as it shifted the communication cost to the Internet, relieving the users from the harsh and bone breaking billing of carrier providers. Now, like surfing the net, you may apply reasonable ISP services to remain in touch with your near & dear, business, partners, peer, customers and corporate bosses.
This app is available for the Android, iPhone devices and other smartphone and mobile devices, available in the market. You can apply the 2G, 3G, 4G, Edge or Wi-Fi services of your smartphone Internet connection to substitute the services of messaging and calling.
The reasons for the popularity of WhatsApp are enormous but some are:
Advantages of Using WhatsApp
- No extra burden of services fee for using the WhatsApp: In the modern era of Internet, it is difficult to imagine any office or non-office premises to work without the cheap and fast Internet. The WhatsApp applies the Internet service of your smartphone connection to the Wi-Fi of your home, community, office and academic environment to send SMS, MMS, calls or video calling; meant, you may get great advantage of enjoying two benefits for one fee.
- Ease of using Multimedia: Now, you may enter the era of cheaper and instant receipt and dispatch of SMS, MMS, videos and Voice Messaging at a reduced rate and convenience, i.e. two benefits at one cost – meant; free additional benefits.
- WhatsApp Calls: If you want long and distance local or international call to your friends, family members, customers, office colleagues of any other person, it may be FREE if you are using WhatsApp. WhatsApp calls are almost free when you are using your Internet connection of your cellular phone. You may also get easy access to 911 or any other emergency service numbers if you are enjoying the wonderful WhatsApp.
- Group Chat – A Newer Advantage: The facility of the group chats with your contacts in a smartphone was previously available in general. But, now, you may remain in easy and affordable touch with friends or family members.
- Messaging Using WhatsApp Web: If you are on the computer and need to send a message to any number on WhatsApp, you may not only send but also receive the messages using the web service of WhatsApp.
- No International Charges Roaming or Other Charges: If you are using WhatsApp for messaging and calling, you will not incur charges for working out of the borders of your country. Be frank to chat – messaging or calling – with buddies, family members, or colleagues – around the globe in just local Internet charges.
- No Record of Usernames and/or PINS Required: When it is just the alternate of your contacts in the smartphone or the mobile device, you don’t require usernames or PINS like other messaging apps. All contacts adjust, seamlessly, in your WhatsApp.
- Remaining Always Logged in for Whole the Day: Just like mobile devices, don’t worry of logging in or out as you may remain connected and online with WhatsApp for whole the day.
- Quickly Connect with Your Contacts in WhatsApp: WhatsApp will use your address / contact book of the mobile device to connect with your contacts.
- Security and Recording Offline Messages: If you are using your mobile device but you are not connected to The Internet or your mobile device is turned off, your missed notifications will be saved till the time you are connected or your device is turned on.
- Sharing your location Facility is Also Available: If you have turned on your location on in the mobile device or smartphone, it may be displayed to the remote caller of the message.
- Exchanging Contacts is Possible: If you are willing to exchange your contacts with your buddies or family members, this unique facility is also available in the WhatsApp.
- Setting Wallpapers & Notification Tones of your Choice: If you don’t like the current wallpapers or notification tones of the default WhatsApp, you may get them changed as per your choice and liking.
- Recording Email & Chat History: If you want the records of email and chat history, you may keep them for a longer but specified time.
- Broadcast Emergency Messages to Multiple Contacts at Once: In the case of emergency or need mass communication for any other purpose, you may send the messages to many contacts at once, saving your precious time.
So, this is time to download, install and start using the WhatsApp for your smartphone.
That’s All!