Quick response to some of the callers is of paramount importance as they may be important buddies, spouse, client or boss. But at the same time you may not be able to answer due to some important meetings, traveling or legal enforcement, asking you not to call. Such state of affairs demand immediate action or the affairs may deteriorate.
Android presents the solution to this unruly situation which you may adopt as a quick response as quick SMS.
To adopt the quick response SMS procedure, follow the instructions:
Command Line: Phone Dialer > Mass Response screen > Settings > Settings > OTHER CALL SETTINGS – Quick response
1: Tap the Phone Dialer to open it. 2: At the Mass Response screen, tap the ‘Settings’ button, available in the right bottom of the screen. It will open up a drop-down menu.
3: In the drop-down menu, tap the ‘Settings’.
4: In the ‘Call settings’ menu, tap the ‘Quick response’, available in the OTHER CALL SETTINGS. It will take you to the ‘Edit quick response’ popup menu, depicting a list of 4 messages which are set by default.
5: Upon taping any of the responses, will open up a prompt which will offer you to alter / amend / modify the message, supported by a keyboard and to be accepted by taping OK. This is available in all 4 responses, giving you the chance to choose as per your need or desire. These responses will be quickly available for reply as and when you will need them.
Test of Working
Now, let’s try the setup of quick response.