If you have made some changes in any contact but then you feel; the wrong changes have been made, you will, definitely, like to reverse the changes made in the contacts. Android has a feature which helps the user to revert the changes which are made in the contacts erroneously.
You may reverse these changes by a few taps but if you feel any difficulty in it, see the instructions.
1: Tap the icon of the ‘Dialer’ app at the bottom left corner of your Android 6.0.x Marshmallow smartphones and smart devices to open up the ‘Dialer’ app screen.2: At the ‘Dialer’ app screen, tap the 3-digit settings button at the top right corner of any contact to open up the interface of your contact.
3: At the interface of the contact, tap the ‘Edit’ button, placed below the status bar. It will open up the ‘Edit contact’ screen with the online keyboard at the bottom of the screen.
4: With the help of the keyboard, I made some changes in the contact number. Then, before saving it, I realize some mistakes in the contact number. So, I decided to revert the changes by discarding it.
5: I, immediately, taped the 3-digit settings button, placed at the top right corner of the screen, but immediately below the status bar to open up a popup menu.
5: At the popup menu, I taped the ‘Discard changes’. This led me to a prompt which required my permission to discard the changes.
6: I permitted by taping ‘OK’.
And the changes were discarded, instantly.
That’s all!