While visiting any blog, you may need to see all the posts, related to one topic or category to go through the detailed study of one category. For example if you are willing to see and read all the published posts under the said category and if you want to see the impact of all the posts, published in any particular category at any time, this is easier and just two step procedure.

To understand, just see the step by step tutorial, placed below:


1: When you are at the timeline of your WordPress blog, see under the heading ‘Category’ at the right column of your website. Some blogs place the ‘Categories’ in any of the mentioned methods:

  • Show as Hierarchy
  • Display as Dropdown
  • Any other Heading
  • Some other Plugin May be Applied to Show Only the Most Important Category
  • May not Display Categories at all

2: As we have displayed the ‘Categories’ as dropdown menu, just click the ‘Select Category’ in the menu under the ‘Categories’ and a popup menu with the list of all the ‘Categories’ in our blog will be opened. Scroll down to display the ‘WordPress’ and click it. It will compile all the posts or articles, published in the category ‘WordPress’ in the time line.


3: Now, with the change of the displayed category to the ‘WordPress’ in the drop down menu, the URL of the blog will also change to display the ……………….. category/wordpress/ with all the posts, published under the category ‘WordPress’.

Stay tuned for more posts about the WP Tip 7!

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